Jan 282017

Call to prayer for our new Bishop and the Diocese

Bishop-Elect Anne is requesting a call to prayer in the Diocese to open our hearts in preparation for her upcoming consecration on February 11th.

God our Father, Lord of all the world, through your Son you have called us into the fellowship of your universal Church;
Hear our prayer for your faithful people that in their vocation and ministry each one may be an instrument of your love.
Give to your servant Anne, soon to be our Bishop, the needful gifts of your grace. May she rightly serve you and share the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people in and around Algoma and beyond.
Equip us, with our new Bishop, to be a church that is joyful in worship, united in witness, and one which serves the world to the glory of your name. This we ask through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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