Mar 212020

COVID-19 Update | From the Archdeacon’s desk March 20, 2020

The first week of the Covid-19 protocols is almost complete and our second Sunday of worship in a different style will be experienced in a day or two.  Thank you to those who have arranged for live-streamed services which are posted on Facebook and thank you to those who have accessed the resources supplied on the Diocesan web-page and from your local congregation.  We pray that by these efforts the impact of this coronavirus will be minimized and that more normal patterns will return soon.  There are a few things we have been asked to think about and some information to share so here goes.

1. There was a unanimous agreement among the Provincial House of Bishops to take these steps in the face of a pandemic.  While the local impact of the disease may be small we stand in solidarity with other parts of the country who are experiencing a much greater impact.  We also stand in solidarity with the parts of the world that are reaching a crisis point as they face deaths in the thousands.

2. While our life patterns have been altered we have an opportunity to explore other aspects of our tradition through a greater use of Morning Prayer and some of the other resources available in our service books.
Congregational members are encouraged to use their creativity to encounter the scriptures in a fresh way and to pray with each other.  Perhaps two households could meet together over the phone while saying Morning Prayer or the services of our Social media networks could be employed in interesting ways.  We are urged to look for opportunities to pray and worship.

3. Let us not forget our financial offerings toward God’s work in the world.  Whether through post-dated cheques mailed to your congregation, enrollment in the Electronic Offering Program, or other means the portion of our worship life that involves our finances need not be forgotten.

4. Take some time each week to reach out to someone by telephone and ask if there are any needs that can be filled.  One congregation has co-ordinated with bread-makers in their congregation to deliver loaves that are left on the doorsteps of some of the more vulnerable citizens with a cheery note attached.  Perhaps there is something you are being asked to do.

5. Pray for your Pastor and Wardens.  There isn’t a manual with instructions on how to handle some of these things and so they are all learning as they go.  Ask God to help them with wisdom, patience and compassion.

God will see us through these days as God has seen us through all our days.  May the Spirit of God equip us all with hope and love and may the Peace of God fill our hearts and minds in surprising and complete ways.

Yours in Christ’s service,

Ven Glen

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