May 012021


The season of Easter is a time to reflect on the difference the resurrection of Jesus makes to our lives.  Following that wondrous day, we are told, Jesus met frequently with his disciples speaking to them about the kingdom of heaven over a period of 50 days.  This was a time when the disciples had the opportunity to come to grips with living with this new reality – that the last days were upon them as they were initiated by the resurrection of Jesus.  We have all had over a year to come to grips with the reality that a tiny virus has the power to radically alter our everyday life so we can identify to some degree with those disciples whose world had been turned upside down.  As we continue our walk with Jesus through this season we are invited to listen to the messages from our scripture readings and try to discern from them and from our experience how the resurrection can impact our response to living in a pandemic controlled world.  Our Primate asks ‘what have we learned about being Church over the past year that will be carried into our future?’ and I wonder the same kind of thing.  The fact that our lives will be different even after the restrictions are lifted is not really in doubt but how our lives will be different is up for some debate.  This Sunday the readings feature the passage from John 15 where Jesus describes himself as the vine with his disciples as the branches.  This teaching was something that affected the understanding of those first disciples and it is offered to those who have been grafted into that vine in our generation.  I suggest that you find a broadcast of a Church service and listen to a preacher talking about the vine and branches.  The offering of Morning Prayer for this parish will be posted on our web-page by about 6 pm on Saturday May 1 ( or it can be found on our YouTube Channel (the Anglican Parish of Copper Cliff and Lively) with a link to Facebook.  My prayer is that as we journey with our Saviour through the season of Easter we will be helped by the Holy Spirit to learn and grow in our understanding of how to live as disciples of Jesus in this pandemic age.

Glen +

A prayer

Gracious God, you show us your way and give us your divine life.  May everything we do be directed by the knowledge of your truth.  We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the risen Lord. Amen. (BAS p. 341)

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