Jun 162021

Synopsis of Diocesan Executive Meeting June 9, 10, 2021

Each of our meetings is surrounded in prayer led by Archbishop Anne, or one of the other clergy on the committee.  The Executive Committee does the work of the Diocese in between Synods. There is much important work happening in the Diocese. We might think that the “Diocese” is separate from each of our churches and parishes, but we are the Diocese! Gratitude was expressed for all the hard work of Synod office staff in preparing for each Executive Committee meeting – clarity and focus enables us to have productive meetings.

From Archbishop’s Report:
Motto for 2021 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

Backdrop of our meetings this month:

● The global pandemic that is waning as we increase our vaccination rates in Canada, but the pandemic rages on in places like India, Brazil, and many countries in Africa.

● The emotional and financial toll this pandemic has taken, as well as a rise in racism and economic injustice.

● The discovery of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children in Kamloops, BC

● June is celebrated as Pride Month as members of the LGBTQS++ community claim their authentic identity and seek to have their stories and voices heard, in the church and beyond.

● Laurentian University has severed its federation agreement with Thorneloe University.  We continue to keep Canon John Gibaut, as well as all staff and students in our prayers.

Archbishop Anne asked us, “What can we do that is good?”

We remain committed to peace and reconciliation with ‘all our relations’ and to learning and listening from one another.

The Executive Committee passed a motion to hire an Indigenous Ministries Coordinator using interest from the bequest of Rev. Homann which was specifically made for Indigenous ministry and provides the seed money for the Indigenous Ministry Coordinator position. This will be an initial 3 year appointment. Job description and other details will need to be worked out. This person will teach, advocate, and lead regular listening circles and Gospel-Based discipleship across Algoma.

It should be noted that legacy giving is an integral part of ministry in Algoma and gifts such as the one received from Rev. Homann empower us to provide additional resources and ministry within our Diocese.

In light of the 215 remains of children found in Kamloops, Archbishop Anne has asked Executive to endorse her decision to release the monies returned from the national government re: the overpayment of Residential Schools’ settlement money, which is approximately $75,000. These funds are at the discretion of the Bishop, and, in consultation with the Indigenous people of Shingwauk, it will be determined where best these funds may be applied to support healing and reconciliation.

Archdeacon Kelly Baetz lead morning prayer on Thursday, and read from the book:  ‘Living Into Focus: Choosing What Matters in an Age of Distractions’ by Arthur Boers (with foreword by Eugene H. Peterson)

We had a great presentation by staff from RBC PN & H – our investment management company. The investment counsellor we have been working with for the last few years, John Elliot, is retiring as of September, and we wish him the best in this endeavour.  We will be working with another investment counsellor that is working with John to learn about our investments.  Some of the things we were excited to learn:

● There is a strong recovery in the stock market as we move towards reopening

● We would like our investments to reflect as much as possible: o The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing – incorporating ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance factors (RBC received a grade of A+ in 2020 for their work on this.) 

o The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) o and Socially Responsible Investments – eg. No stocks or bonds in companies with tobacco, alcohol, gaming, adult entertainment, cannabis, military weapons, fossil fuels

o This will be taken back to the Investment Committee and the Administration and Finance Committee for consideration.

Archbishop Anne gave a big thank you to Ken Lawson – who works 10 hours a week on legal property matters for the Diocese. He has completed 20 very significant property matters in the Diocese since he started. Some other matters will take a number of years to resolve.

For up-coming Synod, in September 2021:

● It is intended to be simple and streamlined and will be held virtually on the Zoom platform. The dates of Synod are Friday 17th September and Saturday 18th September. The opening worship will be livestreamed from St. Luke’s Cathedral on Thursday 16th September at 7pm. The whole diocese is invited to ‘tune in’ for this liturgy. 

● Susan Beaumont, author of “How to lead when you don’t know where you’re going: Leading in Liminal Time” will be the Keynote speaker. Her workshop of 4 sessions will take place the week ahead of Synod on September 9th and 10th. She has agreed to be recorded so parishes can engage with the topic that Susan is presenting at their own pace

● Do Synod Delegates of a congregation wish to attend Susan’s sessions in a group to help decrease the Zoom numbers? Each parish to discuss this and get back to Liz in the Synod Office (adminassistant@dioceseofalgoma.com) 

● Each Deanery will prepare a 5 minute video of what we have been doing over the pandemic period. Deadline: August 15. Deaneries are encouraged to have a social gathering prior to Synod

● The Bishop’s Charge will be pre-recorded and released prior to Synod; the actual presentation during Synod will be approximately 15 minutes in length highlighting specific points from the charge; the charge will be posted on the Diocesan website for downloading and printing

● All parish annual returns are required by June 15th; specifically, Synod delegates so we may commence forming our Synod Sessional Committees 

● Reminder that each Deanery can have up to 3 Youth Delegates for Synod

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Claire Miller – Regional Dean 

Ms. Alicia Sandham – Algoma  Youth Representative

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