Archdeacon Glen Miller’s 2019 Advent Reflection

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Dec 012019

An Advent reflection from the Archdeacon

“Glory to God in the highest” said the angels to the shepherds. We echo this sentence on a regular basis in the Eucharistic celebration as we sing the “Gloria”.  Interestingly, during the season of Advent, we are encouraged to choose another song with which to sing God’s praise.  Perhaps this is a way of preserving the excitement of that proclamation for the Christmas celebration.  As I think about announcing God’s glory I am reminded of a story told to me by a colleague.  In an attempt to explain to his congregation what glorifying God’s name means the Rev. Canon Harold Percy said it meant, “enhancing God’s reputation in the world”.  I have found this to be a good working definition and a means to focus my own meditations during the season of Advent.  I have learned a great deal by asking myself, ‘is this action in which I am involved enhancing God’s true reputation in the world?’ or ‘is what I have said (or what I plan to say) enhancing God’s reputation in the world?’.  As followers of Jesus Christ we are asked to glorify God in all that we do or say – to be bearers of God’s light and love into the world around us.  As we walk through the next few weeks I ask you all to consider making the question, “is what I am doing right now enhancing God’s reputation in the world?” a part of your regular meditation.  May we not only preserve the meaning of Christmas but also let others know the wonders of the God who revealed Himself in the person and work of Jesus the Messiah.