Archdeacon Miller’s Pastoral Letter for National Indigenous People’s Day

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Jul 132019

From the Archdeacon’s Desk

June 21 has long been set aside as a National Indigenous Peoples’ Day and so whatever your prayer pattern is please include a prayer for our Indigenous brothers and sisters tomorrow. There are many categoriesfor your prayers so choose one or more to use as a focus. If you areinterested in learning more about the progress of the Truth and Reconciliation process you can consult the national Anglican Church’swebsite at and use the ‘search’ feature to discover whatyour Anglican Church is doing in the cause of helping to bring about reconciliation. An award winning documentary called, “Doctrine of Discovery” is also available on the website mentioned above for your consideration. As I offer my own prayers I am preparing a message for Sunday which is partially based on Galatians 3:27, 28 “As many of you aswere baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” We have not always lived out the truth of this statement but we continue to live within the truth of the statement which means the reality of forgiveness and reconciliation is always available. As we focus some attention on these relationships may be pray for greater evidence of the unity that is in Christ to be manifested among all believers for it is in this way that true reconciliation will become a reality.

Glen +

A prayer
Creator God, from you every family in heaven and earth takes its name.
You have rooted and grounded us in your covenant love, and empowered
us by your Spirit to speak the truth in love, and to walk in your way
towards justice and wholeness.

Mercifully grant that your people, journeying together in partnership,
may be strengthened and guided to help one another to grow into the
full stature of Christ, who is our light and our life.  Amen

(From the BAS calendar of memorials and commemorations)