It has been a another difficult year due to the pandemic which has affected Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day services. Below is the information received to date with respect to live Christmas Eve services as well as on-line availability. As services are posted on Facebook or links provided they will be shared on the Deanery of Sudbury-Manitoulin Facebook page.
Wishing everyone a safe, quiet, and blessed Christmas wherever you may be.
Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury: All services cancelled
Church of the Ascension, Sudbury:
4:00 p.m., Holy Eucharist; Rev Jeff Hooper officiating ( * livestreamed * ).
The Church of St. John the Divine, Copper Cliff : 4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
Christ Church, Lively: 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
Those planning to attend services at Copper Cliff and Lively please note that registration is required. Please call The Ven. Glen Miller at 705-561-0450. (Services will be taped and uploaded to YouTube and Facebook*)
St. John the Evangelist, Kagawong: 4:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols Service
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Little Current: 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
All Saints Anglican Church, Gore Bay: 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist
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